Materi Expression Of Congratulations Dan Referensi Dialog.
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita niscaya pernah memperlihatkan selamat atas keberhasilan seseorang atas pencapaian yang gres saja beliau alami. Oleh sebab itu, pada kesempatan ini kami membuatkan perihal memberi selamat kepada seseorang yang bahasa inggrisnya ialah Congratulations. Mari kita simak klarifikasi berikut ini.
A. Expression of Congratulations
Expression of Congratulations is an expression that we use give the congratulation utterance when he or she be succeed in doing someone.
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Congratulations dalam bahasa indonesia ialah ucapan yang diberikan kepada seseorang yang sedang mendapat kebahagiaan. Dengan kata lain congratulation ialah suatu ungkapan kebanggaan sebab adanya suatu pencapaian atau prestasi. Kata congratulation ini memiliki arti yang sama dengan “good wish” atau keinginan yang baik kepada seseorang.
B. Expression of Congratulations
- Congratulations!
- I'm very happy of you!
- That's wonderful!
- Good for you!
- Best of luck!
- Well done!
- Fantastic job!
- You must be very happy with your achievement.
- I'd like to congratulate you on your accomplishment!
- Please accept my warmest congratulation
- I must congratulate you on your success!
- Happy Birthday
- Happy New Year
- Happy Eid Mubarak
- Happy Anniversary
- Let me congratulate you
- I would be the first to congratulate you on...
- I would like to congratulate you on
- Please accept mywarmest congratulations.
- May I congratulate you.
- It was great to hear about...
- Well done!
C. Responds to Expresion of Congratulations
- It's very good of you to say so
- Thank you, I can't forget your help to me
- How nice of you to say so
- Thank you very much for saying so
- I'm glad you think so
- Oh, actually it's nothing special
- Oh, I have a lot to learn yet
- Oh, not really
- Oh, nothing to it, actually
- Oh thanks'
D. Contoh Dialog
Rudi : Hi Ben. How are you? (Hai Ben, apa kabarmu?)
Ben : Hi, you look great in that black jacket. (Kau terlihat luar biasa menggunakan jaket hitam,)
Rudi : Thank you for saying so. (Terima kasih sebab menyampaikan itu)
Ben : I've never seen you in that outfit. Is it new? (Aku tidak pernah melihatmu dengan pakaianmu itu. Apakah itu baru?)
Rudi : My sister bought it for me when she went to Singapore. (Kakakku membelikannya untukku saat beliau pergi ke singapura)
Ben : Oh, I see. (Oh, baiklah)
Rudi : Look. What a nice new hair style! Who did your haircut! I like it a lot. (Lihat. gaya rambut gres yang bagus! Siapa yang memotongnya? Aku suka sekali)
Ben : Oh, Yes I think that way too. My brother did it. I can ask him to do yours if you want to. (Oh ya, kurasa juga menyerupai itu. Kakakku yang melakukannya. Aku sanggup meminta kepadanya kalau kau mau)
Rudi : Yes, please. Look! Andi is coming. (Ya tolong. Lihat Andi datang)
Ben : Hi Andi, I heard you won the speech contest last month. Congratulations! You deserved it. (Hai Andi. Aku dengar kau memenangkan kontes pidato bulan lalu. Selamat! Kau pantas mendapatkannya.)
Rudi : Fantastic! It's a great job, bro! (Fantastis! Itu kerja manis bro!)
Andi : Oh, thanks. It's nothing actually. (Oh terimakasih. Itu bukan apa apa)
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