


An acid is traditionally considered any chemical compound that when dissolved in water, gives a solution with a pH of less than 7.
Generally, acids have the following chemical and physical properties: Taste: Acids generally are sour when dissolved in water. Touch: Acids produce a stinging feeling, particularly strong acids. Reactivity: Acids react aggressively with or corrode most metals. Electrical conductivity: Acids, while not normally ionic, are electrolytes.
Strong Acids; Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), Nitric Acid (HNO3) and Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4).
Common acids; Acetic acid (E260, C2H4O2) found in vinegar, Ascorbic acid (vitamin C, E300, C6H8O6) found in fruits, Carbonic acid (E290, H2CO3) found in carbonated soft drinks, Citric acid (E330, C6H8O7) found in citrus fruits, Formic acid (E236, CH2O2HCOOH) found in bee and ant stings,Lactic acid (E270, C3H6O3) found in dairy products such as yoghurt and sour milk, also is product of cellular fermentation, the reason muscles burn,Oxalic acid (C2H2O4) found in spinach and rhubarb, Pectic acid (C17H24O16) found in fruits and some vegetables, Sorbic acid (E200, C6H8O2) found in foods and drinks, Stearic acid (E570, C18H36O2), a type of fatty acid that comes from many animal and vegetable fats and oils, Tannic acid(C76H52O46) found in tea and Tartaric acid (E334, C4H6O6) found in grapes.

Sumber http://romansakimia.blogspot.com

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